St Andrews invites community groups to tea


Here at St Andrews International School, we have a strong history of supporting local community groups, and with that aim, we invited a range of local community groups to an informal tea and cake afternoon on Thursday 28th April.

The afternoon was hosted by our IB students. The CAS section of the IB diploma encourages the students to be creative, active and to support a community activity by becoming involved with a local organisation. With that in mind, we wanted to find out more about the organisations, what they do and what our students might be able to do to support them. It was a fabulous opportunity to learn more about each other’s work and how we can help each other.

CAS Students listening to a spokesman from Mermaid Dive Center.

Representatives came from Operation Smile Thailand, L’Artisan, Ban Chang Angels, Pattaya Slum Ministries, Our Home Shelter, Mermaids Dive Center and Women With a Mission. We learned about projects ranging from beach clean ups to working with women trying to escape prostitution. It was and enlightening and inspirational afternoon for all of us.

Please see our Facebook page for links to all of these organisations.