Navy welcome home marines from joint Thai-Chinese exercise


Royal Thai Marines officials welcomed home a contingent of marines who’d participated in a joint Thai-Chinese military exercise.

Battalion Rear Adm. Niwet Butsrii led the June 4 welcoming party at U-Tapao Pattaya International Airport. The Blue Strike 2012 exercise task force returned from Kwangtun via C-130 cargo aircraft.

Royal Thai Marines have returned home after taking part in the joint Thai-Chinese Blue Strike 2012 exercises. Royal Thai Marines have returned home after taking part in the joint Thai-Chinese Blue Strike 2012 exercises.

Niwet praised the soldiers’ efforts in cooperating with the Chinese and honorably representing Thailand and its navy. He encouraged them to incorporate lessons they learned in the war games in their regular duties.

He added that Blue Strike strengthened ties between Thailand and China as well as fostering cooperation between their respective militaries.