Driver drops lunch, flips car

A young woman’s lunch became her undoing when she flipped her car while trying to retrieve it from the floor.
A young woman’s lunch became her undoing when she flipped her car while trying to retrieve it from the floor.

A young woman’s lunch became her undoing when she flipped her car while trying to retrieve it from the floor.

Korokot Hongcharoen, 22, was pulled from her upside-down Mazda 2 near the railroad tracks June 12. Having worn her seatbelt, she sustained only bumps and bruises.

She told police she was driving to work when her packed lunch fell on the floor while making a turn. She reached down to pick it up and, when she looked up again, found she was on the wrong side of the road and smashed into a utility pole.

She was trapped in the car and had to call relatives and police for help.