Chonburi rallies for Anti-Corruption Day


Chonburi public servants rallied against corruption at the province’s International Anti-Corruption Day event.

Public officials and various public groups in Chonburi sign another pledge against corruption on Anti-Corruption Day.
Public officials and various public groups in Chonburi sign another pledge against corruption on Anti-Corruption Day.

Gov. Pakarathorn Thienchai presided over the assembly by civil servants, police, teachers and soldiers at the provincial hall Dec. 9.

International Anti-Corruption Day marks the anniversary of the signing of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption by 191 member states in Mexico in 2003.

This year’s event carried the theme of “honesty following in the father’s footsteps to do good things for the land”, calling on people to follow the example of HM the late King.

Attendees watched an address by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha broadcast on NBT.

Chonburi Provincial Administrative Organization President Wittaya Kunplome said the goal of the event was to bolster strength of society against corruption and raise awareness of the moral and ethical responsibilities to improve Thailand and Chonburi’s standing on the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index.

Pakarathorn said Thailand and other countries have strong intentions to prevent and suppress corruption, but success requires everyone’s participation. People must become aware that corruption damages the country and it’s time that Thai people be aware that all types of corruption are unacceptable, he said.

He suggested that HM the late King’s “sufficiency economy” philosophy be used as a temple to create a society where corruption is not accepted.

Various public groups in Chonburi also used to the day to sign another pledge against corruption.