Mango mousse


This recipe is from the famous Colombian chef, Arturo Boada. This one is served at his dining house, which was given the award as one of America’s best restaurants. Here is Arturo’s Mango Mousse (but you can substitute other fruits if mango is not to your taste, says Arturo).

Cooking Method

In a large bowl, dissolve the gelatin in water.

In a separate bowl, beat the cream adding sugar gradually until stiff. (Arturo recommends that the bowl and beaters be thoroughly chilled as well as the cream.) Now fold in the mango puree and the dissolved gelatin with the cream and pour into individual molds. (Arturo lightly sprays the molds with non-stick vegetable oil spray.)

Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. When fully set upend the molds just before serving and present on dessert plates with sliced fruit (even mango) accompaniment.

As yellow mangoes are not as plentiful as green mango (som tum style) I recommend raspberries (my favorite) or strawberries (still in season in Chiang Mai) as these are sweet enough to use as desert.

Unflavored gelatin 1 1/2 envelopes
Whipping cream (chilled) 1 cup
White sugar 1/4 cup
Mango puree 1 cup
Water (cold) 1/4 cup
Fresh fruit or berries as garnish