High living cost, traffic, debts and flood most worrying for city people


BANGKOK, 7 October 2011  – Higher living cost remains one of the most worrying issues for people in Bangkok, according to the latest poll conducted by the Bangkok University Research Center.

The poll, which covers 1,189 city-dwellers aged above 18, has found that 35.7 percent of the respondents view the hike in living expenses as the most stressful, followed by traffic congestion, debts and floods.

About 46 percent blame economic problems for their worries while nearly 16 percent ascribe their worries to the government. Around 10 percent think they put themselves under stress.

The survey has also shown that family institution still has a key problem-solving role as 57.1 percent of the respondents seek solace in their families. Friends and lovers come second and third in importance, representing 19.5 and 10.8 percent respectively. Around nine percent solve problems on their own.

Family and religion are found to be the most effective stress relief strategies. Of all the respondents, 14.8 percent find dining with families to be most relaxing and 14.2 percent get rid of worries through meditation and sermons. Internet is the third most favorite activity, representing 13.8 percent.

As high as 71.1 percent of the respondents think that their problems are still not serious enough to seek psychiatrists while nearly 29 percent think of seeking a doctor’s help. Nearly 88 percent believe that they are mentally strong. The remaining 12 percent admit that they are mentally unhealthy. However, about 94 percent insist that they have never thought of suicide while the remaining six percent admit that they have ever thought of hurting themselves or taking their own life.