Liver cancer most commonly found in Thai people among all cancers


BANGKOK – The Medical Services Department has announced that liver cancer is the most commonly found cancer in Thai people. There are approximately 20,000 patients of liver cancer each year which is most commonly found in men. The death rate is approximately 15,000 per year.

Two types of liver cancer most commonly found in Thailand include liver cell cancer caused by the hepatitis B virus and bile duct cancer caused by liver fluke from nitrate and nitrite found in such food as sour pickled fish and bacon.

The general symptoms of liver cancer start from unexplained decrease in one’s appetite. As the tumor grows, it may cause symptoms of pain in the right side of the abdomen or a feeling of fullness when eating. Some patients may have worsen symptoms of chronic liver disease or cirrhosis, which often precedes the development of cancer of the liver. For example, patients may have some unexplained weight loss, cachexia, increased swelling of the feet and abdomen and the yellowing of the eyes and skin. People found with these symptoms should immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis.