Government assures new copyright law aimed at protecting online media


BANGKOK, 28 July 2015 – The government has assured that the new copyright law has been designed to protect all online media beginning next week.

According to Deputy government spokesman Maj Gen Sunsern Kaewkumnerd, the activation of the amended Copyright Act B.E. 2558, which will take place on August 4, is aimed at protecting all who have created any work which is distributed online.

Maj Gen Sunsern said that such an intention is decided in order to go in line with the public behaviour that has centered around online media.

He added that the previous version of the law did not clearly specify the punishment clauses for those found guilty of violation of the code.

For instance, social network users who intentionally edit any photograph or video clip of other people and claim those works to be theirs for commercial purposes will be punished by the amended law.