Welfare communities and civil network ask to retain constitution objectives


BANGKOK, 2 June 2015  Welfare communities and civil networks from various provinces have voiced their support for the constitution drafting process, asked the authority to retain the 4 objectives of the constitution.

Welfare communities and civil networks from many provinces read their statement encouraging and supporting the constitution drafting process to the Constitution Drafting Committee President Borwornsak Uwanno.

The communities and network have made their remarks asking the CDC to retain the four original objectives of the constitution, namely giving the highest power to the people, ensuring transparency and balanced politics, support fairness in society, and bring the nation to peace and happiness.

The communities and networks have also asked for authorities to retain the newly introduced mechanisms in the citizen sector such as the Civic Assembly, the Citizen’s Audit and Inspection Assembly, and the Moral Assembly. They also supported decentralization and encouraged local participation on the local administration to reduce inequalities and improve living standards.

The CDC President thanked the communities and networks and asked the media to give more exposure to the citizen sector, saying the media is more attentive to political agendas more that the matter of the citizens who are owners of the sovereign power.