Pattaya Police Station streamlines traffic, adds parking


The Pattaya Police Station increased the number of parking spots and took other steps to clear frequent traffic bottlenecks at the Beach Road facility.

Pattaya Transportation Department engineers painted new traffic-lane lines and parking spot markers all around the station to improve the crowded conditions. Spokeswoman Pitcanee Kuleksoracha said the move was made after police Superintendent Col. Nanthawut Suwanla-Ong requested that station entrances and exits be made one-way only and more parking slots be added.

There are now spaces for 20 cars and 120 motorbikes in front of and behind the Pattaya Police Beach Road station. There are now spaces for 20 cars and 120 motorbikes in front of and behind the Pattaya Police Beach Road station.

There are now spaces for 20 cars and 120 motorbikes in front of and behind the station.

Nanthawut said the station’s previous dearth of spaces required visitors to pay for parking at the adjacent Central Festival Pattaya Beach mall or farther away. More spaces will improve convenience for the stations increasing number of visitors, he said.