Jury out on Phoenix return


IPGC Pattaya Golf Society at the Links Bar

On Monday, 30th March the Pattaya Golf Society returned to Phoenix after an absence of more than a year on being told that a new manager had decided on a more acceptable green fee package and that the course was in excellent condition.

Whereas the cost element was probably acceptable the course condition was not, but it has to be said in defence of the club that the Lakes layout, which we found to be quite poor, is due to undergo a major upgrade and had we only booked next week to play the Ocean nine…  It reminds me of the story of the French child who asked a touring circus manager were the elephants were and was told “Paris”.  It’s all there but not just yet.

With the field divided into two flights at fourteen and under the scores were low and in the second flight Mr. Len and John Tallett shared second place with 30 points each while Murray Edwards took the major prize with 32 points.

In the top flight Mark Lang equalled the best gross of the day, 82, and posted 31 points for third place whilst Russell Exley took second with 34 points for his first podium place with PGS.  The winner was Wichai Tananusorn with 35 points and it shows his form is returning after a few barren weeks.

There was only one birdie ‘2’, John Tallett’s near “ace” on M7 and Brian Talbot had the honour of the non-winners beer for the second successive round.  The Booby Bevy went to Gary Bolger after his split figures of 10 and 17 caught the eye of the organiser.

The Jury’s still out on Phoenix but when the Ocean nine replaces the Links track at the weekend things will be much better.  Won’t they?

Lang & Edwards on form

The Pattaya Golf Society visited Bangpakong Riverside to play a stableford competition on Wednesday, 1st April and found an empty course in excellent condition.  The only downside was that the greens were at the end of a coring and maintenance program and were probably another week or so off being at their optimum.  Thus, except for six greens they were still a little inconsistent and of varied pace.

This did not detract from the enjoyment of the day however and the single flight proceeded to give it their best shot.  A strong breeze was evident all day and, whilst making life comfortable for the golfers, it had an obvious impact on the shots played.

In third place was Huw Phillips, currently in fine form, with a level par 36 points total whilst Dave Edwards and Mark Lang shared the win with 37 points each, Mark’s gross score of 76 being the best of the day.  He also had the only birdie ‘2’ of the day on the stroke 18 par three fourth hole – 195 yards, over water and into a severe cross wind.  It was certainly not the easiest hole on the card!

John Chelo took a rare non-winners’ beer award and the Booby Bevy went to Terry Pipe, his maiden win reflecting the mediocrity of his game on the day.

Bangpakong Riverside is as it always has been a true test of golf.  Good shots are rewarded and others see golfers putting “rescue” golf into operation.  But in the wind…