Justice Ministry proposes legal punishment against policy makers


BANGKOK, 26 March 2015 – Justice Minister Gen Paiboon Kumchaya will be proposing imposition of punishments on wrong-doing politicians and policy makers in the laws regarding state procurement at the upcoming meeting of National Legislative Assembly (NLA) members.

Gen Paiboon said he had already discussed the matter with Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha and the Council of State before deciding to put the idea forward with the NLA. If approved, the proposed penalties should be incorporated in the state procurement laws within this year.

Apart from legal actions, the Justice Minister said he would map out a preventive system hindering rogue politicians or officials seeking to exploit their power. Anti-corruption campaigns will be launched to raise public awareness and disapproval of corrupt practices which will in turn prompt policy makers to be more fearful of consequences of any dishonest deed.

Gen Paiboon said he is planning to establish a national anti-corruption operation center which will be supervised by secretaries general of major graft-busting bodies such as the Auditor General of Thailand, the National Anti-Corruption Commission and the Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission. The new agency will be tasked with scrutinizing activities of state agencies and reporting the results directly to the premier.