Special Report: NCPO says reconciliation efforts successful


The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) has claimed that its reconciliation process is a success, as reflected by the significant decrease in conflicts over the past two months. 

In its two-month progress report, the Council said it has since 28 May 2014 set up a number of reconciliation centers all over the country to resolve conflicts of people of different political opinions, while creating an environment conducive to reconciliation, such as holding events to return happiness to the people.

With the success of the reconciliation process, the economy has dramatically improved, and family members with different political views have returned to talking with one another again. This has helped solve many problems that have accumulated over the years, said the report.

According to the report, the Working Group on Reform for Returning Happiness to the People established Reconciliation Centers for Reform in all provinces in the first month of the NCPO’s takeover. The Council, in the second month, gathered opinions and suggestions from all sectors of society. Relevant information has also been collected from researches, theses, government ministries and departments, and independent organizations, as well as recommendations from people nationwide.

The working group has also conducted 53 interviews with experts and representatives from the public, private, and academic sectors, political parties, independent organizations, stakeholders and conflicting parties as well as the general public. It has used the gathered information to come up with 11 issues that need to be addressed based on priorities and urgency, such as anti-corruption, politics, state administration, justice system, energy, and transport infrastructure.

From the gathered information, the working group has come up with an “Agreed Framework” on issues regarding political reform and suppression of corruption, which have been listed as urgent ones. It may be concluded that there will be political reform on four major issues: political structure, selection of persons for political positions without concern for financial influence, the balance of executive power, and the impeachment of persons holding political positions.

Concerning reform to tackle corruption, emphasis would be placed on four major areas: prevention, suppression, transparency, and fairness.

One of the NCPO’s major achievements is that it has been able to encourage conflicting groups to cooperate in moving the country forward through activities aimed at creating an atmosphere conducive to reconciliation. A total of 117 memorandums of understanding have been signed by 403 leaders in various areas, who hold different views, covering 3,003 districts and sub-districts. 176 public forums have also been organized, covering 30,842 villages.

Considering the present situation, the NCPO stated that various problems have begun to ease, and that its operations and guidelines have received positive feedback from the general public.