Giant “Monty” causes stir in Makro parking lot


Saichon Mansri, 50, and his wife received quite a surprise June 22 when, after doing their shopping at Makro, they discovered a giant python “guarding” their pickup.

Before authorities arrived, a handful of brave bystanders tried to extricate the 3-meter long serpent by pulling on its tail.  This just caused the snake to burrow deeper into the pickup.

A crowd gathers to watch as this 3-meter-long python is finally extricated from its temporary home inside a Makro customer’s pickup.A crowd gathers to watch as this 3-meter-long python is finally extricated from its temporary home inside a Makro customer’s pickup.

When the snake catcher from the Thappraya Center in Pattaya finally arrived around noon, he sprayed the snake with mosquito repellent to make it dizzy. After about an hour, they were finally able to free the pickup from the snake’s grasp.

The reptile was taken to a secluded area and released back into the wild, unharmed.