Thai listed companies rank top in ASEAN for corporate governance


The Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD) stated June 19 that Thai listed companies were the corporate governance champions of ASEAN.

IOD president Bandid Nijathaworn said that the 2013/2014 ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard survey, which covered 529 companies, found that Thai listed companies posted the highest average score of 75.39, followed by those in Malaysia with 71.69 and Singapore with 71.68.

Four Thai listed companies are among the Top 10 and 18 Thai listed companies are among the Top 50.

On April 30, the 100 Thai listed companies with the highest market values had an average score of 75.39. Thai listed companies were ranked first for shareholders’ rights and fair treatment of shareholders compared with companies in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam.

Thai listed companies were ranked third for stakeholders’ roles, transparency and directors’ responsibilities.

Bandid said Thai listed companies had to improve in these areas to boost confidence among Thai and foreign investors and attract them.