Loyal dog alerts neighbors to master’s death


A man’s best friend called neighbors for help after his master passed away in Sattahip.

Thai Bangkaew dog Seethong, 2, barked eagerly as police and medics arrived at the Ammarin City home of Chokchai Buadit, 28, June 2. Half-naked, the waiter at the Paylamue restaurant appeared to have died about two days earlier of dysentery.

Seethong alerted neighbors to his master’s death.Seethong alerted neighbors to his master’s death.

The body was sent to Sattahip Km. 10 Hospital to determine the exact cause of death.

Neighbor Kanda Rachmeesap, 52, said she heard the repeated barking by the 2-year-old pup. When she looked in the window, she saw the homeowner dead on the bed.