NCPO hopes int’l community will understand why takeover is necessary


BANGKOK, 25 May 2014  – The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) continues explaining the reasons why the army seized power from the caretaker government, stressing that the political protests caused loss of lives and there was a use of weapons to instigate violence.

Deputy Spokesman of the Royal Thai Army Col.Winthai Suwaree on Sunday said conveying correct understanding to the international community was a priority of the NCPO. He said foreign ambassadors had been informed of the reasons and necessity of the takeover and expressed his confidence that the NCPO would be able to make foreign countries understand the situation in Thailand. The spokesman noted that each country was in different context and the NCPO had strong reasons and clear evidence to justify the power seizure.

Col.Winthai confirmed the military always supported democracy but democratic expressions in the past had often resulted in loss of lives and violence.