One killed in explosions in Narathiwat, Yala


NARATHIWAT, May 12 — At least one person was killed and 14 others wounded in a series of bombings in Thailand’s southernmost provinces of Narathiwat and Yala yesterday. 

Six explosions occurred in Narathiwat’s Su-ngai Kolok district, with at least one person reported dead and nine others were wounded.

Police said the six explosions in Su-ngai Kolok occurred at about 7.30pm Sunday. 

The first two were homemade bombs, one hidden in a motorcycle parked near a Look Suea Anusorn Road restaurant, the second built into a metal box left near the Pithan Panich company’s Honda motorcycle showroom on Busayapan Road. 

A third explosive was in a motorcycle parked near Pithan Panich company’s Honda motorcycle and Toyota car showrooms on Prachawiwat Road. The explosion killed a woman and wounded another.

Fifteen miniutes after the first three explosions, a second series occurred at the Suzuki motorcycle showroom on Charoen Khet Road. The 5-kg homemade bomb was built in a metal box.

The fifth bomb was at a drainage canal on Asia Road and the sixth was at electrical power post on Sai Thong Road.

Nine people in total wounded from the six bombings.

In Su-ngai Padi district, an explosion occurred at the Supercentre Department Store. The fire started by the bomb continued to rage in the building.

Ban Khok Ta School in Sungai Padi was torched and totally burned. The school would be closed until Friday.

Islam Bamrung School, and five rooms of a two storey commercial building were damaged in arson attacks.

One volunteer security guard was wounded by shooting while inspecting the scene.

A bomb exploded at the customs office in Yala’s Tak Bai, wounding five people while another explosive device was found in a trash bin.