Election Commission chief says that 42 parties will attend meeting this 22 April


BANGKOK, 17 April 2014 – The Election Commission (EC) chairman has stated that 42 political parties confirmed their attendance at a meeting to be held on 22 April, and that it is greatly hoped that Thailand’s two biggest parties will attend in order to find a reasonable political solution forward for the country.

Supachai Somcharoen, the EC chairman, said that the meeting on 22 April will be a chance to have discussions about revising certain rules, which proved to be an obstacle during the previous election. The EC will ask for the opinion from each party about when would be an appropriate day to hold the election. In his opinion, he has said that the election day should be held within 60 days after an election decree.

So far, there have been 42 political parties which have accepted the invitation. The Pheu Thai Party and Democrat Party have not responded back. This meeting will not have a live broadcast, which Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva had suggested, due to the limited time.

He also revealed that the result of senate election in the remaining provinces will be officially announced on 22 April and every province will be finished by 28 April.