NSO says unemployed graduates on the rise


BANGKOK, 10 Dec 2013 According to the National Statistical Office of Thailand (NSO), October’s unemployment rate hit 237,000 people, representing 0.6% of the kingdom’s employable workforce of 38.4 million. 

NSO Director-General Vibulthat Suthantanakit said the number can be broken down into 12.8 million people in the agricultural sector while 25 millions are engaged in other sectors.

He said that the number of unemployed people in October increased by 14,000 from the same period of last year, although it was lower than that of September. Out of those unemployed, 90,000 have never been hired before, of whom 83,000 are university graduates. The southern region has the highest unemployment rate of 0.8%.

Earlier the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board has reported that the economy in the third quarter is on the decline, prompting business operators to cut the number of jobs in their organizations, while an increasing number of new graduates were entering the market. These factors caused employments much more difficult to find for newly graduated people.