Underage teen couple arrested for stabbing motorbike taxi 12 times for 1,420 baht


An underage teenage couple has been arrested for brutally stabbing a North Pattaya motorbike taxi in a robbery for 1,420 baht.

The Bangkok youths, ages 15 and 17, were found by police hiding in a wooded area near the murder scene close to the Chan Resort on Thappraya Soi 15 Nov. 9. Both were covered in blood and the 17-year-old male was still holding the 20 cm. knife used to kill 45-year-old Amanrt Chongvarin. The 15-year-old girl’s purse was found near the body by police about 20 minutes after he was killed.

Amanrt, originally from Pichit, was stabbed once in the neck and 11 additional times in the back, chest and stomach.

Police said the kids confessed to coming to Pattaya from Bangkok to party and hired the motorbike taxi on Soi 1 in North Pattaya. Officers said the suspects originally just planned to rob the driver, but when he resisted they stabbed him.

The suspects stole 1,420 baht from the dead man. They left him slumped over his motorbike and dying.

Amanrt’s wife, Wichiern Phaphao, 42, met with police and urged them to take extreme action against the youths, who were charged with conspiracy to commit murder and robbery.