Warathep readies officials for new season of rice pledging program


BANGKOK, 8 September 2013 (NNT) – The Deputy Agriculture Minister has met with rice pledging program related officials to provide a policy guideline regarding the upcoming 2013/2014 rice scheme. 

Deputy Agriculture Minister Warathep Rattanakorn, during his meeting with rice officials, called for transparency and efficiency in the operation, especially in the registration process. He also told the officials to inform the farmers regarding the program and the registration process.

The cabinet earlier approved the proposed budget of 270 billion baht for the new season of rice pledging program, while the pledging price has been set at 15,000 baht per ton, with the maximum of 350,000 baht per farming household. The 2013/2014 rice program will begin on October 1st and will run through February next year.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Commerce expects to see around 16.5 million tons of rice pledged in the 2013/2014 season, while affirming that all officials will be working under strict measures to make sure there will be no corruption as CCTVs will be installed in rice mills and pledging stations to monitor each transaction.