Cabinet to consider implementing Article 83 to solve fisheries labor shortage


BANGKOK – Let’s take a look at the attempt to solve the labor shortage in fisheries; it’s one of the requests from fishermen in 22 provinces which the government has promised to address. The government is considering the implementation of Article 83 of the Royal Ordinance on Fisheries B.E.2558 which will authorize the Department of Fisheries to issue permits for immigrant workers wanting to work in the fisheries sector.


This topic was considered by the immigrant employment management policy committee in its latest meeting on 25th December. It is proposing to open two registration periods for migrant workers, the first from January to March, and the other from July to September. Those who wish to apply must hold valid passports or official travel documents.

The immigrant employment management policy committee is to submit this proposal for Cabinet’s approval.

Thailand has one of the largest fishing industries in the world, with seafood products generating massive revenue each year. A shortage of labor in the fishing industry is however a pressing issue, as local Thais don’t favor the occupation, creating a situation migrant workers can help solve.