Phoenix Gold set up beautifully for Billabong Monthly Medal

Kak, Sinead, Paul, Andrew, Paulie and Paul.
Kak, Sinead, Paul, Andrew, Paulie and Paul.

PSC Golf from Billabong

Friday, Dec. 27 Phoenix Gold Monthly Scramble

Phoenix Gold golf course and gold it is, the condition is absolutely fantastic. Some of the comments were: never seen the course in this condition, which says a lot for the management and greens staff. Having not much rain in the last couple of months to keep it like it is must be difficult to say the least.

We had 10 groups playing in our monthly scramble which is a fun day out once a month and is always well patronized. The scoring wasn’t terribly great but by the look of the faces everybody enjoyed themselves. This course when you play Ocean and Mountain with Mountain played as the second nine makes for better golf as you are warmed up by the time you get to the 10th tee.

The team of Captain Cripple, Sandy Chapo, Bob Van Mol, and Ben Hobbs took third place with a score of 59.6, even taking away the bogie on the 8th they still wouldn’t have beaten the winners.

Second place went to Todd Givens, his lovely wife Nok, Sasicha Duangkham and Peter Huff with a score of 59.4.

The winning team of Paul O’Mahony, Paul Greenaway, Andrew Skaiffe and the young man of the team here on holiday with his lovely sister Sinead, Paulie O’Mahony scoring 58.1.

Thanks for a great day out and hopefully we will see you all again next month.
