Date: 21 June 2013

Venue: GIT Training Center, 3rd Floor, ITF-Tower Building

The Gem and Jewelry Institute of Thailand (Public Organization) or GIT is honored to hold a workshop on the topic “Gemstone Buying Guide for tourist” on June 21, 2013 from 9.30-12.30 am, at GIT Training Center, 3rd Floor, ITF-Tower Building.

This three hours workshop will provide you with the key basic knowledge for selecting and buying the fascinating colored gemstones in the market with more confidence. The workshop will cover all important aspects of the most popular colored gemstones (ruby, sapphire, emerald and others) in such a way that you will learn more about their essential properties and gain a hand-on experience on how to separate among natural, synthetic and artificial gem materials.

Our expert instructor will guide you with principle and technique to distinguish among those materials throughout the three hours session. This workshop is suitable for all interested persons. Previous knowledge and experience on the subject matter are not necessary, and the gem equipments are fully provided for the practical purpose to all participants.

For further information on workshop registration plase contact GIT Training Center, Tel: (662)-634-4999 ext 301-313, Fax: (662)-634-4999 ext 304
