Communities reach out to children with special needs on Lions Service Day

Banglamung District Chief Amnart Charoensri and Amnuay Horburapha, President of the Lions Club of Pattaya, with Nongprue Mayor Dr. Mai Chaiyanit and Jamnien Chaiyanit, Chairwoman of Nongprue Municipal Women’s Development Group pose for a photograph with members of the Lions Club of Pattaya.
Banglamung District Chief Amnart Charoensri and Amnuay Horburapha, President of the Lions Club of Pattaya, with Nongprue Mayor Dr. Mai Chaiyanit and Jamnien Chaiyanit, Chairwoman of Nongprue Municipal Women’s Development Group pose for a photograph with members of the Lions Club of Pattaya.

Scholarships and daily necessities were donated to families with special-needs children on Lions World Service Day in Pattaya.

Banglamung District Chief Amnart Charoensri and Amnuay Horburapha, President of the Lions Club of Pattaya, together with Nongprue Mayor Dr. Mai Chaiyanit and Jamnien Chaiyanit, Chairwoman of Nongprue Municipal Women’s Development Group presided over the Oct. 8 event at the Pattaya Shooting & Adventure Park in Huay Yai.

Banglamung District Chief Amnart Charoensri presents scholarships to the pretty dancers.
Banglamung District Chief Amnart Charoensri presents scholarships to the pretty dancers.

Members of the community and service clubs including Lion Clubs, Red Cross Society Banglamung Branch, Pattaya Sports Club Association, Nongprue Women’s Development Group and YWCA were on hand to make their generous contributions.

Amongst the many donations made on that day, Peter Malhotra, President of the Pattaya Sports Club together with Noi Emmerson, Chairwoman of the Social Welfare Committee, and Ingkarat Chaimongkon presented a donation of 20,000 baht in scholarships for the children with special needs.

Lions World Service Day is commemorated on Oct. 8 around the world with clubs performing charity works and other projects to benefit society or the environment.

In Chonburi, clubs have focused on helping the poor and disabled. Lions Clubs and other public-service groups came together this year to fund scholarships and the purchase of necessities for families with special-needs children.

The event also featured stage performances from Redemptorist School students, booths offering food, eye exams, medical and dental checks and foot massages. Advisors also were available to offer parents care-giving advice and support.

Representatives of the local community make a donation for children’s scholarships.
Representatives of the local community make a donation for children’s scholarships.
Lions Club of Pattaya Nongprue donate 5000 baht.
Lions Club of Pattaya Nongprue donate 5000 baht.
Mr. Wolfgang donates 10,000 baht.
Mr. Wolfgang donates 10,000 baht.
Women’s Development Group of Nongprue donate 5000 baht.
Women’s Development Group of Nongprue donate 5000 baht.
Jamnien Chaiyanit presents a scholarship to a very happy boy.
Jamnien Chaiyanit presents a scholarship to a very happy boy.
Kind-hearted residents brought Thai language Holy Bibles for distribution.
Kind-hearted residents brought Thai language Holy Bibles for distribution.
The Pattaya Sports Club donates 20,000 baht.
The Pattaya Sports Club donates 20,000 baht.
Red Cross Society Banglamung Branch make a donation.
Red Cross Society Banglamung Branch make a donation.