Hua Hin tourism expands rapidly


20% rise in available rooms expected

Hua Hin tourism has expanded rapidly, prompting a forecast of a 20-percent increase of room availability in the resort town.

Roongroj Seeluangsawat, Hua Hin-Cha am Tourism Association chairman, said the number of tourists visiting Hua Hin annually has reached 2.5 million, of whom 40 percent are foreign tourists. There are currently some 13,000 hotel rooms available in the town.

Meanwhile, Nopporn Wuttikul, mayor of Hua Hin municipality, said the city will develop a town plan and move the municipality office, public schools and provincial waterworks office to the suburbs in order to change areas in the town centre to become parking buildings and improve the town’s layout and traffic system. A budget of Bt100 million is expected for the modification.

There is also a plan to invest in water purification equipment with a budget of Bt30 million to produce enough water to meet demand, while another Bt11 million will be used to connect raw water pipelines from nearby Petchaburi province to Hua Hin for 24-hour water transport.

Closed-circuit television cameras are to be installed around the town as well to create confidence among tourists and holiday goers.