Young drivers need continuous support


The Institute of Advanced motorists (IAM) in the UK keeps excellent statistics and has announced that young drivers need more guidance and support in the first six months of obtaining their license.

Some of the suggestions included a tougher test to include rural roads – where young people are most vulnerable.  A new focus on treating driving as a skill for life – through continuous learning with post-test checkups in the first six months of solo driving.  A minimum driving period during learner stages to increase exposure to as wide range of traffic conditions as possible and a relaxation of the rules allowing learner drivers on motorways.

And where does that put the learner drivers in Thailand?  There is neither L plates, nor is there insurance available.  When my wife was learning to drive I asked my insurance broker what should be done in case of an accident.  His answer?  “Change seats!”

We have just had Songkran with the dreadful road toll, perhaps Thailand should be looking overseas for some guidance?