PM sends holiday greetings for happiness, preserving Thai traditions for Songkran


BANGKOK, April 13 — Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has imparted holiday blessings and wishes for happiness, urged the public to help in preserving Thai traditions for Songkran, the traditional Thai New Year.

Ms Yingluck, on her pre-recorded weekly TV programme, said she would like to take an opportunity to call on the people to preserve the traditional and unique ways of Songkran which could also promote tourism in the country.

She said this was also a good chance for family reunions and to live together in happiness on the Family Day on April 14.

Songkran is the traditional Thai New Year, and is normally celebrated from April 13 to 15. April 13 is National Senior Citizens Day and April 14 is Family Day.

The premier said she wanted to see people celebrating and enjoying Songkran with happiness, observed the traditional way without alcoholic drinks.

She also expressed worry over the safety of motorists and travellers and has instructed authorities to step up measures to ensure public safety on the roads.

She hoped that with the prevailing hot weather, splashing water during Songkran could eventually cool down the temperatures in term of weather and political atmosphere.

Ms Yingluck was in Chiang Mai on Saturday to preside over the opening ceremony of Chiangmai Traditional Songkran Day 2013.