Plant & Hoddy take the spoils


PSC Golf from the Kull Bar

Tuesday, Feb. 5, Green Valley – Stableford

1st Steve Plant 34pts

2nd Colin Simpson 31pts

3rd Ben Plant 29pts

4th Tim Knight 28pts

A somewhat depleted field due to various tours being conducted made the trip to Green Valley. The course conditions were good and there was a cooling breeze which helped considerably. With the absence of any 2s four prize places were up for grabs and Steve Plant laid claim to the top spot with his 34 points.

Thursday, Feb. 7, Green Valley – Stableford

1st John Hoddy 34pts

2nd Steve Plant 32pts

3rd Ben Plant 29pts

4th Tim Knight 28pts

An experiment was carried out by booking a midday time and although we started in the heat, towards the end the temperature had significantly cooled making the last 6 holes very enjoyable.

John Hoddy posted 34 points to take top spot ahead of Tuesday’s winner Steve Plant. Ben Plant and Tim Knight completed the podium in second and third respectively.