Dad brings toddler to drug bust

Yosapol Japin’s four-year-old son was riding pillion on his motorbike as Yosapol tried to escape.
Yosapol Japin’s four-year-old son was riding pillion on his motorbike as Yosapol tried to escape.

A career drug dealer who brought his toddler with him to avoid police detection was arrested when both father and son fell into a trap.

Yosapol Japin, 30, was arrested while allegedly selling 10 methamphetamine tablets to a police informant Oct. 28. His four-year-old son was riding pillion on his motorbike as he tried to escape.

Police said Yosapol had been arrested repeatedly for drug dealing and most recently got of prison so three months ago.

Yosapol reportedly confessed, saying he continued to sell drugs as he was familiar with police habits. So he brought his young son with him, as police never stopped motorbikes carrying small children at checkpoints.

This time, however, Yosapol was set up and police didn’t need a checkpoint to find him.