PC Air issued ‘yellow card’ warning from Civil Aviation Department


BANGKOK, Oct 18 – Thailand’s Department of Civil Aviation today warned private low-cost airline PC Air to strictly observe aviation regulations after hundreds of Thai tourists were left stranded at South Korea’s Incheon airport earlier this week, according to the agency’s director general Voradej Harnprasert.

Mr Voradej warned that PC Air’s license could be revoked if a similar incident happens again.

He said that the department queried PC Air about the incident. Airine officials explained the problem was not the fault of the company but was an error of the agency contracted by PC Air to handle its financial affairs.

Mr Voradej said the department is collecting information from agencies concerned to find the cause of the problem and who should be held responsible. This could be concluded by next week.

Some 200 Thai tourists, clients of nine travel agencies, were at Incheon airport to board a Bangkok-bound PC Air flight on Tuesday only to be told that the aircraft was banned from taking off due to unpaid fuel and airport charges.

Some passengers managed their own arrangements to return to Bangkok via a Thai Airways international flight, while PC Air sent an aircraft later to bring the remaining stranded passengers home.