Man arrested in series of burglaries in housing estates


Police announced the arrest of one of the suspects in a series of break ins in homes in housing estates on December 7, 2016 adding that the man had an arrest warrant issued from Saraburi Courts for theft as well.

Thongsuk Kaewhao of Nakhom Pathom was arrested by Phuping Police and Police Region 5 after a series of 11 breakins in different housing estates was reported. Police investigated and found that Thongsuk had been seen driving a bronze colored Toyota Wish in the areas that had been robbed. They investigated Thongsuk and found that he had an outstanding warrant from Saraburi as well as having had warrants in Bangkok in 2003, Nakhon Rachasima in 2013 and Nakhon Pathom in January 2015 as well as the one from Saraburi from November 2015.

Police arrested the suspect at a rental home in Mae Hia and found a screwdriver, gloves and stolen items such as amulets and rings. The suspect confessed that he had been working with another man to break into houses during the day when the owners were at work. He told police that he and the other man would use two cars; target a home, climb the fence and break a door or window. They normally stole things that were easily carried such as gold and cash and then split the proceeds.

Police will be using the information gained from the Thongsuk to track down the other suspect. Many victims of the robberies came to see their property at Region 5 Police headquarters, at least 11 cases so far have been confirmed in Muang District, Phuping, Mae Ping and San Sai.