Single approach to southern unrest being streamlined by ISC and SPBAC


BANGKOK, 15 May 2012-The National Security Council (NSC) will host a strategic meeting aimed at restoring peace in the South. 

Deputy Prime Minister General Yuthasak Sasriprapa said the NSC will convene a meeting on May 17th to give directions to each unit that is part of the southern mission to follow.

General Yuthasak said this would help those involved in restoring peace in the South know exactly what their responsibilities are and determine the size of their budgets.

The Strategic meeting is a joint effort between the Internal Security Council (ISC) and the Southern Border Provinces Administration Centre (SBPAC), which the General said would create a single approach to the solving of the southern unrest.

According to the General, it has been difficult to achieve peace restoration in the past given the two agencies have been working independently and often in different directions, depending on which political party was in power the at the time.

The General said, however, now that the two units are on the same page, their progress will be assessed every 3 months. He added their allocated budget would be withdrawn if they made no progress. Their failures would also be reported to the Prime Minister.