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Updated every Friday
by Boonsiri Suansuk

HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:

Swinburne Tummasiri offering scholarship

The year of the Huey Pong

Swinburne Tummasiri offering scholarship

Swinburne Tummasiri, a member of Swinburne Global Leaning Network, provides high quality education delivered in English, leading to the awards of Certificate, Diploma and Associate Degree. Swinburne’s graduates are able to complete degree students in Thailand, Australia and elsewhere in the world.

If you are an M.6 graduate with a GPA of 2.75 or higher, and you have fair English language skills, then you may be eligible for a scholarship to study at Swinburne Tummasiri.

The scholarship is for two years of full time study. There is a 50% reduction in the first year’s tuition fee. In the second year, all scholarship holders who have an average grade in the first year of 75% or better will receive a 25% reduction for the second year’s tuition fee.

For further information please contact Arphirade Boonsorn or Buttree Thipayarak by telephoning 038 490 487-92, or fax 038 490 489, or email [email protected]

The year of the Huey Pong

The 20th of April 2002 was a day of celebrations at the government Institution called Huey Pong in the Rayong area. 300 boys and girls in the age group 7 to 18 years have their home at the Institute. They are children from poor and broken families. Children, who in some cases have been sexually or physically abused and therefore have been removed by the police and placed at Huey Pong.

They live in old wooden or concrete buildings, which have not been very well repaired nor kept very clean, throughout the last 50 years.

Some of the most basic facilities at Huey Pong are in dire need of repair, yet thanks to folks like those in the Rayong Ladies Circle the future for the children who live there looks a lot brighter.

But this is about to change now.

By the initiative of the Rayong Ladies Circle welfare team, the coordinators of this development plan for the Huey Pong Institute, the first of many renovated buildings was opened on Saturday the 20th of April. The sponsor for this first building was the BCTFN (The British Community in Thailand Foundation for the needy).

BCTFN president Mrs. Carolyn Tarrant conducted the opening of a building now suitable for children to live in.

The children at The Huey Pong say Thank You to the BCTFN for caring.

Living conditions aren’t the best, but they are much better than from where most these children came from.

The next opening will take place on the 4th of June, this time on the girls’ side of the Huey Pong. The sponsors for these renovations are a club of Danish Women called “Margrethe Klubben” and the Rayong Ladies Circle.

Yet another renovation is scheduled, this time the Jesters from Pattaya have agreed to help the children, and will be sponsoring an old wooden building on the boys’ side.

The Huey Pong still needs help, not only with donations for more renovations, but also help like blankets, mattresses, cloths and so on. The list is endless.

If any one should be interested in visiting or helping the Huey Pong please contract me, Helle Rants้n, welfare coordinator of the Rayong Ladies Circle, tel. 01 63 68 165, email [email protected]

Every baht helps.

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