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Regents’ staff join Leadership Programme in Cambodia

Charlotte Summersby
Just before Christmas, Regents International School Pattaya sent two of its staff on a Leadership Training Programme to Cambodia. Dean Barrick (Boarding House Parent) and Meena Charoensa-Nga (PE Assistant and Swimming Coordinator) undertook a 650km journey to the Takeo Province in Cambodia to help build ‘The White Dove Weaving Centre’.

(L to R) Meena Charoensa-Nga (PE Assistant and Swimming Coordinator) and Dean Barrick (Boarding House Parent) from Regents International School Pattaya.

The average family in this region survives on around 50 cents a day. By building this centre and training the local women to use the looms, the volunteers on the Round Square Leadership Training Programme have helped to provide a sustainable, independent future for the local people. The project, which raised $11,000 in total, enabled not only the construction of the weaving centre but the purchase of a fresh water pump, ten local chicken farming businesses, mosquito nets, 55 bicycles for children to access school, a teacher to train the community and design the scarves for the first 6 months and a year’s worth of electricity!
The White Dove Weaving Centre is one of many projects initiated by the Round Square Leadership Training Programme. In addition to providing benefit to local communities, it also gives staff at schools which are part of the prestigious Round Square organisation - like Regents - the best possible training in the skills they require to lead student trips.
Paul Crouch, Assistant Principal - Community and Student Enrichment, commented, “Sending our staff on Round Square leadership training projects allows them to develop the skills and confidence to create and lead life-changing service projects for a large number of our students, staff and parents in our own community.”
Dean Barrick, Boarding House Parent reflects on his experience in Cambodia, “Nothing I have done or achieved in my teaching career has even come close to the joy and pleasure I got from being a part of this project. A truly life changing, inspirational journey.”

Dean Barrick, Meena Charoensa-Nga and the rest of the team get busy with the construction!

The team applies the finishing touches.

The loom in action!

Giving back to the community

Paul Strachan
CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility is paramount within CEA (Cranes and Equipment Asia Co., Ltd). Since the company’s inception in 2000 CEA has consistently invested in giving back to the community that surrounds it and Children’s day 2014 was another great opportunity to do so. A member of the CEA team had brought it to attention that a local school was holding Children’s Day on Thursday 9th of January and asked if they could support. The decision was unanimously approved. CEA agreed it would give five lucky children a one year scholarship and give away stationery sets and ice cream on the day of the event.

Cold ice cream on a hot day - what could be better?

Wat Mai Nern Payom School is located just two minutes’ drive form CEA Headquarters in Ban Ao Udom, Sriracha, and houses over 500 children. It is an integral part of the Ban Ao-Udom community.
A team of CEA volunteers led by QC Manager Krittapas were in attendance to supply free ice cream to all the children, as it was such a hot day this soon became the most popular attraction! After the traditional Thai dancing, CEA Yard Manager David Johnson presented one year scholarships to the five lucky children. This was met with rapturous applause by fellow pupils and parents alike. The children then partied on well into the afternoon full of energy thanks to CEA’s ice cream!

Students line up in an orderly manner to receive their sugary treat.

QC Manager Krittapas, Yard Manager David Johnson and staff present educational material to the school.

Yard Manager David Johnson hands out scholarships to the students.

St. Andrews Green Valley set to host 3rd SAIS Eastern Seaboard Science Fair

This year St. Andrews International School, Green Valley, has the honour of organising the 3rd SAIS Eastern Seaboard Science Fair.
Over the last 2 years the event has proven to be highly successful and entertaining for all stakeholders.
The Science Fair will happen on Thursday 23rd January 2014 and it is the culmination of several weeks of exhaustive investigation into a scientific question that specifically interests each student. An entertaining and informative display of their findings and what they have learned through their scientific enquiry is created to present their ideas.
Last year some of the Science Fair Investigations focused on: creating their own energy sources, preventing ant invasions, the amount of sugar contained in popular drinks and whether or not symmetrical faces are more attractive!
This event is only possible with the kind donations from our sponsors. In the past we have awarded the top three students in each category with cash prizes and chosen a ‘Best in Show’. Students can enter into the following categories Y7, Y8, Y9, Y10 - 11 and IB.
This year we intend to use 50% of the sponsorship for rewarding students for their efforts, whilst the other 50% will be used to support a new program that will create an ongoing educational link with the local temple school and our students. We will aim to promote the importance of literacy, numeracy, healthy lifestyles and science to the local community.
We hope it’s going to get bigger this year! See you there!
For further enquiries please contact Mr. Edward Thorp < ethorp@standrews-schools. com >, Science Department, St. Andrews International School, Green Valley.

Pattaya Sports Club celebrate Children’s Day

Nongprue Mayor Mai Chaiyanit accepts our donations.

William Macey
Children’s Day is always a happy event in Pattaya, as the children have a day off from their studies. One of this year’s celebrations was in Nongprue on Friday Jan. 10th and 3,000 plus children arrived to be entertained by a boy band, lady dancers, side shows and of course, Thai food - particularly noodles. Nongprue Mayor Mai Chaiyanit opened the event and acknowledged the contributions of Nigel Oakes and Pattaya Sports Club, which was warmly applauded by those present.
When Nigel Oakes, a friend of Pattaya Sports Club, visits these families, the concern on his face is obvious, for it says something must be done and a substantial donation is made by him. This, together with the contribution from Pattaya Sports Club, goes a long way to easing the problems for these families.
There are many severely handicapped people, both young and old, around Nongprue, unable to live a normal life and some are restricted to spending every day in their homes unable to leave their beds. Others need help to move around the area but most need 24/7 care and attention. One of the parents or family members must be in attendance at all times and are, therefore, unable to find any form of occupation to bring in those much needed baht. There are many essential items that are needed on a daily basis that eat into the limited finances that are available.
Nongprue Municipality ensures that, every month, these families receive some essential supplies, which include fortified milk, pampers, rice and other items, and it is usual that the mayor or deputy mayor is there to present these items. But these supplies cost money and the contributions of Nigel and Pattaya Sports Club go a long way to easing the problem

Some of the handicapped that will benefit.

Welfare Director Mow thanks PSC and Neil.

Dang organizes events for 15 handicapped children.

Poy, in the wheelchair, always seems happy.

Serving for the community

Mark Kolenberg with a new friend.

Derek Franklin
Pattaya based Thai Tennis Lovers is a non profit organisation whose aim, apart form playing tennis, is to unite family bonds and help improve society.
Organised by Mark Kolenberg, long term Pattaya resident, tennis player and television personality, members of the TTL not only compete alongside family members in doubles competitions, but also collect donations for the Father Ray Foundation.
As a New Year gift to the young toddlers from the Father Ray Day Care Center, Mark, accompanied by fellow members of the TTL, presented soft toys to the children. Clothing was also donated, which will be used to clothe the children who call the Father Ray Foundation home.
More information can be found at or email [email protected] 

The children from the Father Ray Day Care Center were very happy with their new soft toys.

This was the second time Mark presented donations.

HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]

Regents’ staff join Leadership Programme in Cambodia

Giving back to the community

St. Andrews Green Valley set to host 3rd SAIS Eastern Seaboard Science Fair

Pattaya Sports Club celebrate Children’s Day

Serving for the community


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