Wegner on the warpath


The Billabong Golf Bar

Monday, May 6, Eastern Star – Stableford

Travelling down to Eastern Star the sky was looking just a little dark and stormy but nothing came of it until we were walking off the 18th hole we got a few spits of rain but that was it.

The course is in great condition at the moment but the greens were not the lightening fast ones you normally associate with this course – getting the ball to the hole was an effort in itself.

Kevin Wild & Greig Ritchie.Kevin Wild & Greig Ritchie.

That didn’t stop Greig Ritchie and Kevin Wild from having good scores however, with Kev taking second spot on 36 points and Greig with 38 taking the line honours.  Every other score was in the 30s so the greens cant have been that bad for everybody.

Wednesday, May 8, Green Valley – Stableford

Green Valley, our normal venue for Wednesday, and after a bit of a mix up we were off to an early start in hot, steamy weather, although it wasn’t the weather that got Rob Heenan.  After he lost about 20 golf balls he reckoned it was time for the bar.

The greens had just been sanded and were as slow as and a few three putts were had, but they didn’t bother Sell Wegner, who was the winner today with a magnificent 41 points, or Chris Dodd.  Chris came second with 40 points and third was Peter Shuttleworth in a three-way count back over Owen Walkley and Bob Finley.

There were two ‘2’s, coming from Lloyd Shuttleworth with a 15-foot putt, and a magnificent chip in from Capt Bob.

Friday, May 10, Bangpra – Stableford

Another hot day today as we went to play Bangpra for the first time in ages.  Rain threatened and finally caught up with us on the 17th – thank God there was a hut to hide in for the fifteen minutes of the storm, then it was back out for the last 2 holes.

Peter Shuttleworth, Sel Wegner & Chris Dodd.Peter Shuttleworth, Sel Wegner & Chris Dodd.

Welcome today to Max and Geoff Bracegirdle and goodbye to Geoff and Chris Dodd as they headed home.

The day was won by Steve Croy, his first win ever, with 34 points.  He got there on a count back over Lloyd Shuttleworth, also 34 points.  In third was George Barrie on 32 points, eventually getting his prize after the Capt. inadvertently gave it to Greig Ritchie by mistake, sorry mate it won’t happen again.

Once again there were no ‘2’s – just a couple of should haves

Note:  If you are looking for a game with some friendly golfers, give Bob a call on 082 204 3411 or call into the bar just off Siam Country Club Road looking straight down Lake Mabprachan.

George Barrie, Lloyd Shuttleworth & Steve Croy.George Barrie, Lloyd Shuttleworth & Steve Croy.