PSC Sea Fishing News


Hi All,

Apologies for the absence of news subsequent to Rich’s Report on December 4, things have been a bit hectic since my return from Oz.  Many thanks to Rich for his assistance in my absence – I couldn’t do without him!

January 8 2011

The trip left from Kram Marine Fishing Lodge and soon encountered buffeting seas as we neared the open waters.  We headed for new grounds previously not fished by us but with the assurance of “Pla Yai ‘by the skipper.  The waters were deep, around 45/50 metres, but allowed all to try for smaller fish whilst awaiting the elusive big ones.

As usual, Rich was successful in hooking the only large fish for the day, a corbia around 4 feet in length.  I can only guess at the weight at around 6/7 kilos as a tangled line caused the skipper to use a gaff and unfortunately the lucky fish escaped.  There were the usual ‘should haves’, ‘could haves’ and ‘would haves’ on our return.  Nevertheless the rest of us had a big haul of at least 6 and 12 kilos of snapper and pla dang. These were a bigger size than usual averaging around 3 to 4 fish per kilo (perfect pan size and delicious).

There were many double and triple headers which provided a great day’s fishing enjoyed by all.  Bad luck Phil and Nat had to cancel the day before and missed all the fun.  We look forward to their return in February.

January 18 2011

Seven of us departed from Kram marine on what could only have been described as a ‘mill pond’ ocean, as we headed to the same successful grounds of the previous trip.  The contrast between days was dramatic and resulted in many shifts looking for plentiful grounds.  Fortunately, several new locations provided good hauls.  No big fish, but again Khammoon and Geoff caught 2 or 3 snapper of 1 to 1 and a half kilo.  I refuse to award the kudos of landing the largest fish to either, but I know that Geoff will agree that Khammoon won the day with the biggest haul.

Peter and Sumai, usually amongst the winners, were not so lucky but we all had good catches of 5 plus kilos with many good sized snapper similar to those caught on the previous trip.  All in all a good day’s fishing including the libations afterwards.

I forgot the camera again, apologies for no pictures. Similarly, I did not weigh the catches as I was not among the winners.  It seems I will have to resort to my old tricks of leaving water in the plastic bags before being weighed or waiting  to be weighed until everyone else’s catch has been cleaned and gutted before I weigh mine.

Next trip is on February 6, and March and April have been booked for the first Saturday of those months.  The February 6 trip is full with 9 anglers confirmed.  I have a confirmed booking for a boat on February 17 and have 2 vacancies for those interested.

Look forward to seeing you aboard!