O’Brien makes his mark to win monthly award


PSC Golf from Tropical Golf Group

Tuesday, Nov. 25, Mt. Shadow – Stableford

Mountain Shadow these days is a pleasure to play, and on this day the course was in fine condition so we played off the blue tees hoping for a little bit of run.  The fairways were firm but the rough was really difficult to get out of when you strayed offline.  The greens played nice and fast a good day out was had by all, even the weather played its part.

This being the last Tuesday of the month meant it was time for the MBMG Group Golfer of the Month award and this would be the first one at our new venue, BJ’s Holiday Lodge.

Dick Warberg (right) presents the MBMG Group Golfer of the Month award to Mike O’Brien.Dick Warberg (right) presents the MBMG Group Golfer of the Month award to Mike O’Brien.

In the A Flight, 0 to 17, the winner was Tom Herrington with a rather tasty 42 points, ahead of Robbie Taylor with a very good 40.  We then had a count back on 37 points that saw Brian Parish in third and AVD in fourth.

In the B Flight the scores were not quite as impressive but Mike O’Brien still won with a good 37 points ahead of a 3-way count back on 35 that saw Ken Grimes in second, Tom McDowell take third and ‘Buckers’ in fourth.

With his win in the B Flight, Mike O’Brien stormed home for his first win ever MBMG Golfer of the Month title and became the first ever to win the award at BJ’s.  Well done Mike!

Near Pins:  Robbie Taylor, Steve Hamstad, Dick Warberg, Tom Herrington

Long Putts:  Mike O’Brien, Tom Herrington

Thursday, Nov. 27, Crystal Bay – Stableford

Tropical Golf hasn’t played Crystal Bay in a while and everyone was eager to give it a try.  Today we were assigned the C and A courses (in that order).  The “B” nine is dormant for the time being, but all agreed the course was in excellent condition.  Fairways and greens are in great shape, and work continues on the clubhouse, though slowly it seems.  Still, the facilities are quite acceptable.  Playing off the white tees the good grass yielded many impressive scores!

Thanksgiving Day winners, Andre Van Dyk (left) and Dick Warberg (right) with one of BJ’s helpers.Thanksgiving Day winners, Andre Van Dyk (left) and Dick Warberg (right) with one of BJ’s helpers.

In the A-Flight (0-17) the winner, a best score of the day, was Andre Van Dyk (17) with a stunning 43 points!  Wow, well played Andre!  Next was Bob Watson (3) with 39 points, shooting even par off his microscopic handicap and chalking up six birdies in the process.  Peter Blackburn (14) followed by edging a multi-count back at 36 points for third.

In the B-Flight, Dick Warberg (18) showed Yanks can do more than eat and watch football on Thanksgiving by racking up an impressive 41 points.  Tom Cotton (24) was next with 35, followed closely by Don Carmody (25) with 34.  Good scores all around!

Near Pins: John Hackett, Andre Van Dyk, Bob Watson, Graham Buckingham.

Long Putt: Mashi Kaneta