Chris Setchell dominates


IPGC golf from The Haven

Monday, August 19, Eastern Star – Stableford


1st Bruce Hilde (16) 30pts

2nd Chris Setchell (15) 30pts

3rd Phil Groves (7) 30pts

4th Trevor Schirmer (13) 28pts

The Robert Trent Jones design at Banchang is never the easiest to play, and when the wind blows hard and the fairways are wet, the 6,500 + yard course plays nearer to 7,000.  

With the wind gusting to between a two and three club strength, club selection was almost impossible to get right and the resultant CSS of the day at 75 was a fair reflection of the difficulty of the day’s competition and underscored the value of a non-counting event for handicap adjustment when the conditions make the par just too hard to attain.  If the day’s scores were to be taken over say a ten round stretch, handicaps without the non-counting aspect would be increasing by between 5 and 10 dependant on the base handicap at the start.

Chris Setchell.Chris Setchell.

The most surprised man of the day was the winner, Bruce Hilde, as his experiences of the local courses were previously not from this time of the year when weather conditions can make a mockery of a 72 par and a standard thirty six points to be in the frame.  Bruce needed to win a count back over the week’s top performer, Chris Setchell, which he achieved in some style, as after tying the front nine at 18 apiece, he then took the best of the last six with an astonishing 17 points (incl. 12 from the last 4 holes), to Chris’s more normal 13.

Chris Setchell’s quiet start to the round therefore left him in second place as Phil Groves, with the same points total only scrapped together 13 on the inward half after he had started promisingly.

Trevor Schirmer was another two shots back in fourth with several other hopefuls wallowing behind him.

There were no 2’s in the second division but Trevor Schirmer swept the first division pool clean with the only one in the first division.

Prior to the presentations there were welcome backs for Peter Newham and Murray Frost from Oz.

Wednesday, August 21, Greenwood A & C – Stableford

CSS 71

1st Ian Tanner (20) 38pts

2nd Murray Frost (36) 36pts

3rd Shuichi Kodaka (17) 36pts

4th Chris Setchell (15) 35pts

5th Don Everett (19) 33pts

Bruce Hilde.Bruce Hilde.

After the rigours of the previous outing the group were hoping for better results as the wet weather eased off and the winds abated and with an overcast sky the conditions were about as near perfect as can be expected during August.  The A and C courses, being in tip top condition, met all expectations as the scores plummeted and the points totals spiraled upwards.

Ian Tanner won his first competition with the Soi 13 group with a solid performance that got better and better as it progressed.  He took two 4-pointers on the inward half after ending the outward nine without a blob on the card and it easily became his best round in Thailand.

Murray Frost also had an outstanding round even though it was only a level par one, it being by far the best he had returned during many visits and attempts and there were some mumblings and questions from among those that know from down under as to whether he was on the Essendon Programme or not.

He needed to win a count back however to take second place, which he did with a better 21 to 16 on the C course as Shuichi Kodaka in third slipped backwards from a fine start.

Chris Setchell took his second podium placing of the week with fourth place just a shot behind them, with Don Everett closing out the list in fifth spot.

In marked contrast to Monday, the CSS for the day went down by a stroke to 71.

There were no 2’s in the first division but Ian Tanner made it an extra big day with the lone one in the second division that cleaned out a multi, multi roll over.

Friday, August 23, Pattana B & C (yellow tees) – Stableford

CSS 71

1st Chris Setchell (15) 39pts

2nd Peter Newham (19) 35pts

3rd Phil Groves (7) 33pts

4th Murray Frost (36) 33pts

5th Trevor Schirmer (13) 32pts

Ian Tanner.Ian Tanner.

It is always a pleasure to visit what must surely be the most opulent overall of all of the golf courses in the region, from its expansive reception area through the huge and extremely well appointed changing and showering facilities, to its top class dining rooms which compliment the extensive menu.

But the main interest of the day is always on the course, which was, as always, well prepared and in top notch condition and generally the scoring was good, although the length was possibly a bit too long for most of the field even at just over 6,300 yards.  There was little run afforded on the fairways today and a stiff breeze got up on the back nine where the tees had been set more or less on the usual white positions.

Chris Setchell saved his best for his last round of this trip with a three under handicap return that was good enough by four to give him his second win during this holiday in Pattaya, as a steady opening one over handicap was ratcheted up to four under on the back nine and a comprehensive win.

Peter Newham at last got the better of travelling companion Murray Frost as he claimed second place with a steady one over return that owed much to the front nine, before the previous nights exertions presented their account for settlement.

Phil Groves won a count back over Murray Frost for third spot with a better 18 to 15 as Murray also succumbed to “back nine exhaustion”.

Trevor Schirmer was once again found to be in attendance but not close enough.

Once again there were no 2’s in the first division but Peter Koha proved the adage regarding blind squirrels as he knocked one in to clean out the second division, unfortunately one day too late for a share of the bonanza previously on offer.

Back at The Haven there were welcome backs for the two defectors returning from the far north – Hal Hart and Vincent Gras – together with one for Trevor Schirmer, back from his one day’s annual leave to continue with his quest to have the longest drive every day.

Note:  If you would like to play with The Haven group, you can contact mobile 082 219 0965 or call in to The Haven Hotel, at 185 Soi 13, between Beach Road and 2nd Road.  All transportation to the course is arranged and you do not need to sign up prior to the day, but you should be there by 8.15 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on the days that you wish to play.  A schedule of courses to be played can be found on our web site at