Bahng beats Brackett on count-back


The Golf Club Sports Bar & Grill

Monday, Feb. 21, St. Andrews – Stableford

1st Brad Sproxton (12) 39pts

2nd Dale Shier (14) 39pts

3rd Terry Pettit (11) 38pts

4th Will Peak (18) 37pts

Near Pins:  Kyle Roadley, Tom Gingrich

We welcomed a move from our regular Monday fixture at Green Valley to St. Andrews and 35 smiling faces gathered for the challenge.  ‘Kaptain Klipboard’ took the frame, winning on count-back over the impeccably dressed Dale Shier.  Terry Pettit finished alone in third and ‘Big’ Will Peak nipped out 3 others to take fourth on 37pts.

Wednesday, Feb. 23, Century Chonburi – Stableford

1st Bob Doxbury (15) 38pts

2nd Grant Montgomery (8) 37pts

3rd Brad Sproxton (12) 37pts

4th Wayne Koch 37pts

Near Pins:  Bob Doxbury

February monthly medal winner John Bahng. February monthly medal winner John Bahng.

Box Doxbury was on form this day to take the frame on our inaugural trip to Century Chonburi. It’s a shame that there isn’t enough money spent on the upkeep of this course – a great layout all agreed.  None-the-less, for a 200 baht green fee it was a fun day out.

Grant Montgomery had a 21 point back nine and finished in second after beating ‘Klipboard’ and Wayne Koch on count-back.

Friday, Feb. 25, Phoenix – Monthly Medal

1st John Bahng (14) net 70

2nd James Brackett (8) net 70

3rd Bob Newell (6) net 72

4th Brad Sproxton (12) net 73

5th David Shelton (7) net 73

John Bahng was not intimidated by Muffy Kerr or Dale Shier’s attire and stayed focused on the task at hand.  Steady off the tee and around the greens he came in with a net 70.  James Brackett finished with the same score and it took three rounds of count-backs to determine Bahng’s victory and the coveted medal winner’s shirt.  ‘Seamless’ Bob Newell was alone on net 72 and third place.

‘Klipboard’ (net 73) finished a consistent week and beat out David Shelton and John McHuge, again on count-backs, for fourth spot.  Thanks to all for your continued support this week.

Note:  The Golf Club is located on Soi LK Metro, off Soi Buakhao and Soi Diana junction.  We can be reached on 085 434 3377 or [email protected] and our new website is