PSC November Fishing News


It has been a busy month to date with 4 trips conducted to 17 November.  With the increased interest in fishing (maybe influenced by the Bangkok floods), I had to run 2 trips additional to the first Saturday of the month trip and a further special charter trip for Stuart Banks and his friends.  He reported that trip as an unqualified success with several 2–3 kilo fish and a big haul of the usual pan-sized variety.

Our 3 other trips have all departed from Sattahip and were favoured with blue skies and calm seas.

Khammoon with her catch.Khammoon with her catch.

Our trip on November 5 comprised five regulars, Jeff & Khammoon (they haven’t missed a trip in 18 months), Phil & Nat from Bangkok (nearly every Saturday trip) and me.  More recent members Charlie and Tor with his lovely wife Mook and son Kong, taking turns to fish, rounded the numbers to 9.  The catch comprised 8–10 fish of around 2kg size and average hauls of 5-7kg per person.

Many thanks to Tor for his excellent video presentation which can be seen on YouTube at our PSC website – Fishing.

November 15 our group comprised of (would you believe) Jeff & Khammoon, John & Marnie, Alan Baldwin, a new member, and me, and was outstanding with at least 15 fish in the 2–3kg range and monstrous bag catches of 20–25 kilos per couple.  My catch, assisted a little (?) by the skipper was 25kg after cleaning.

The captain and boat boy did an excellent job in managing to have all the fish scaled, cleaned and iced by the time we docked – all for the moderate cost of Bt 100 per person (although I’m sure they received a little extra for their efforts).

We wish Paul Adamson a speedy recovery from his illness which caused him to miss the trip.

Anna enjoyed a successful first fishing trip with the PSC.Anna enjoyed a successful first fishing trip with the PSC.

The trip on November 17 saw a full complement of 9; namely Jeff & Khammoon, Peter & Sommai, Tor & Mook, Jack & Anna (who took turns to fish as only 8 can fish comfortably) and yours truly.

Again it was a perfect day with catches similar to the previous trip.  Not so many of the larger variety in the 2 plus kilo range but more than compensated by the number ½ to 1 kilo range of snapper and large grouper.

The ladies outclassed the men with their catches.  Nevertheless, couples went home with around 20 kilos and I had 17 kilos which can only be described as excellent hauls for all.

Several members thought I should mention our fishing fees and discount program.  Pattaya Sports Club charges Bt 1,500 per person per trip and costs of boat, captain & boat boy are Bt 9,500 for the trip.  Any surplus of income over costs is accumulated and when funds exceed Bt 10,000 I give regular attendees (5 trips or more) a Bt 500 discount.  To date 26 such discounts have been given.  A register of these discounts is maintained and monthly income/expense reports are submitted to the PSC Committee.

Next trip, 3 December, will be run by Rich Murphy while I am in Oz.   This trip is already fully booked and Rich will contact interested members about a mid-month outing.