Andersson shines at Eastern Star


Jomtien Golf with the IPGC

Monday, March 21, Pattavia – Stableford

The numbers are still diminishing as expected for this time of the year and there were only five groups out today.  Our journey here on the 331 with the current road works had slightly improved but the one lane only on the return was very slow and congested.

We had a 9-17 cut in the two divisions and there were two 39’s returned in division 1; Dennis Scougall beating Tim Hake 22/19 on the back nine.  Chris Voller came in third after beating Brian Keating on another count back, both coming in with 35 points each.

Magne Gunnarson.

The in-form Magne Gunnarson, playing off 32, won division 2 with 35 points and John Walsh was second on 30 points with the Bristol boy Bob Poole finishing in third with 28.

Near pins went to (Div 1) Per Forsberg, Dennis Scougall and Chris Voller (2), and (Div 2) Don Head, Bob Poole and Harry Vincenzi.

There were three ‘2’s today, all on the 13th and coming from Per Forsberg and Chris Voller in division 1 and Bob Poole in division 2.

Friday, March 23, Eastern Star – Stableford

With one ‘no-show’ our planned the three divisions were reduced to two at the last minute, with the equal cut set at 7-16 and 17+.

Over the past few weeks the bookings have slowed down and we teed off today 12 minutes ahead of schedule and the first group went round in just three hours forty minutes.

Thirty eight points was the best score of the day, with the Swedish boy Mikael Andersson winning division 1.  Marty Rock was second one point behind Mikael while Mark Stanley was third with 35.

Paul Butler won division 2 with 37 points as Frank Kelly beat Magne Gunnarson 13/12 on the back six holes for second place after they both scored 36 points in total.

Near pins were claimed by (Div 1) Colin Aspinall, Sandy Lundie, Marty Rock and Mark Stanley, and (Div 2) Frank Kelly, Tony Thorne, John Walsh and Max Wilson.

There are no ‘2’s in division 1 today but with two rollovers Max Wilson birdied the 17th from around eight inches away to take the pot in division 2.

Tim Hake.

Bob Poole.