Easy Guacamole


Simple to prepare and quick to make, guacamole is enjoyed by everyone.  This recipe makes for a great guacamole dip, and best served with corn chips.

Ingredients Serves 3-4
Ripe avocados 4
Red onion, minced 1 cup
Medium sized chili minced 1-2
Coriander (leaves), finely chopped 4 tbspns
Fresh lime or lemon juice 2 tbspns
Sea salt 1 tspn
Ground black pepper a dash to taste
Ripe tomato, seeds and pulp removed, chopped 1
Serve with tortilla chips.

Cooking Method

Cut avocados in half.  Remove seed.  Scoop out avocado from the peel with a spoon and put in a mixing bowl.

Using a fork, roughly mash the avocado.  Add the chopped onion, coriander, lime or lemon, salt and pepper and mash some more.  Chili peppers vary individually in their spiciness.  So, start with a half of one chili pepper and add to the guacamole to your desired degree of spice.

Chilling tomatoes hurts their flavor, so don’t chop the tomatoes or add to the guacamole until ready to serve.

Just before serving, chop the tomato, add to the guacamole and mix.

(N.B. For a very quick guacamole just add the mashed avocado to some salsa and mix thoroughly!)