TQ Masters golf tournament turns 20 years


The TQ Masters started mostly as a spoof back in 1993, but then Richard Livingstone, a teaching pro, got involved and it began to take on a semblance of a proper golf tournament and was usually held at Phoenix.  Not long after, Mike Franklin came along and together with the Pattaya Mail and PMTV, suddenly we were in the public eye with press releases and interviews while the venue changed to Eastern Star. 

After Mike left us, Steve Donovan became the organizer, who preferred the navy course in Sattahip.  And once Steve departed, John Emmerson from The Golf Club, assisted by Steve Ellison, took over using The Emerald Golf Resort.

If John and Steve had not taken over 5 years ago, we most likely would not have been around to celebrate our twentieth anniversary last Friday, October 18.

This year’s TQ Masters champion, Richard Manthorne (left), receives the Division A trophy from Mamasan Ead.This year’s TQ Masters champion, Richard Manthorne (left), receives the Division A trophy from Mamasan Ead.

The TQ Masters has always been about friends and showing appreciation to our customers.  It has never been a big tournament, but then that was never the goal.  We had 83 players last week, which is the most we have had for quite a while.

Richard Manthorne dons the champion’s green jacket after being declared the overall winner for 2013.Richard Manthorne dons the champion’s green jacket after being declared the overall winner for 2013.

The outing has always been about fun, and that starts with providing Caesar’s at the sign-ups and then on the course, roving beer carts make sure the golfers’ thirst is slaked.

When the golf was over, we headed back to the TQ rock ’n’ roll bar in Pattaya for extended happy hours and a leg of ox barbecue a la Bjarne of the Kronborg, before the awards ceremony and the donning of the coveted green jacket to the winner.

This year we had a couple of firsts: John Manthorne, 72 years old, became our oldest winner ever.  Moreover, he performed the feat having never played at Emerald and was also using borrowed clubs.

Another first was a player getting a hole-in-one during our tournament.  Gavin Wright aced hole #5, which was also a first for him too.

And the third first was having a charity aspect to the tournament, courtesy of Jack Levy, who provided 20,000 baht for the longest putt on the 18th hole.  The arrangement was 10,000 baht would go to the winner and the other 10K to the Jesters Care for Kids Charity Drive.  The eventual winner of the long putt was Joe St. Laurent; and he and his wife, Oi, decided to give it all to charity with the proviso that it go to one of their disabled children’s projects.

The weather cooperated nicely on the day, save for a brief downpour, and it allowed us to have a great day out and evening back at the bar.

We would sincerely like to particularly thank the following: Pattaya Mail for advertising the event and coverage on the day; John and Steve from The Golf Club for organizing it all; Alan Bolton Property Consultants for their sponsorship; Jack Levy for his charitable donation; Joe and Oi St. Laurent for their kindness; The Freemans, Bill and Greg, father and son, for all their help and driving the beer carts, along with Ann, Apple and Pik; and finally to all the players who are the ones that made it really happen.

Eric Curley receives his trophy from Mamasan Ead after winning Division B.Eric Curley receives his trophy from Mamasan Ead after winning Division B.

Overall Winner (Green Jacket)

1st Richard Manthorne 39pts

Division A

1st Richard Manthorne 39pts

2nd Ernie McInnerny 37pts

3rd Kin Aihara 35pts

Division B

1st Eric Curley 38pts

2nd Bill Mayfield 36pts

3rd Paul Ovens 35pts

Division C

1st Christoph Balzi 35pts

2nd Gary Crutchfield 34pts

3rd Ian Hogg 34pts

Near Pins:  Rusty Barfield (2), Gavin Wright(hole in one), Paul Janzen, Simon Philbrook, Kurt Kanter, Gary Crutchfield, Keith Worboys, Oi St. Laurent, Richard Manthorne, Kym Stutley, Ian Hogg.

Long Drives:  Simon Philbrook, Paul Ovens, Thomas Reson.

Longest Putt:  Joe St. Laurent,

Please mark your calendars for the next year on Friday, October 17, 2014.

Christoph Balzi was the winner of Division C.Christoph Balzi was the winner of Division C.

It’s tiring work being a caddy – this one gets a helping hand.It’s tiring work being a caddy – this one gets a helping hand.

Refreshments on the tee - all part of the TQ Masters.Refreshments on the tee – all part of the TQ Masters.

TQ players and caddies all set for a great day at Emerald G.C.TQ players and caddies all set for a great day at Emerald G.C.