It’s Bob ‘Saint’ Aubin


PSC golf from Lewiinski’s Golf Society

Sunday, May 5, Green Valley – Stableford

A Flight

1st Bob St Aubin (14) 40pts

2nd Jon Haugen (10) 39pts

3rd Terry Mangan (13) 38pts

B Flight

1st Jim Yang (20) 38pts

2nd Colin Davis (17) 37pts

3rd Stuart Brown (25) 35pts

Near Pins: No 9 Jim Bell, No 12 Ronnie Portis, No 16 Pat Reagan.

Christy Knight.Christy Knight.

Hey where’s the old title guy today?  Well before the field could get too smug about keeping Mr. Freddy Star (trek) off the podium, it was pointed out that he had to take a rest day to let his golf shafts cool down.  So that left Bob St Aubin an opportunity to vault to the top of the A Flight podium with a magnificent 40 points.  Bob was followed by Jon Haugen with a sparkling 39 points.  Co. Wicklow’s Terry ‘pork chop’ Mangan took the bronze with a solid 38 points.

Jim Lang led the United Nations B Flight as he finished ahead of the Donkey, who in-turn edged Stuart Brown.

Bob StAubin, Barry Copestake, Bob Watson and Jean LaRoche split the 2’ pot.

Bob StAubin could not get back to Lewiinski’s in time for the presentation as he was way laid in a soi somewhere, so Bob kindly donated his A Flight and 2’s winnings to the Bann Jing Jai Orphanage Building fund (hence the title of this week’s article).

Tuesday, May 7, Greenwood – Stableford

A Flight

1st Peter Hynard (12) 32pts

2nd Yves Moutier (11) 30pts

B Flight

1st Tom Gorey (22) 38pts

2nd Marlene Prudden (22) 33pts

Wily Tom Gorey was the only player to solve the Greenwood riddle on the day, as he stood as the lone competitor under par.  In fact, Tom’s 38 points was five strokes clear of the Sheila from down under who showed who wears the pants in the Prudden family as she edged the old man off the podium steps.

The flagship flight was at half mast as Peter ‘the Right Honorable’ Hynard needed a mere 32 points for the top step.  Yves Moutier stood shyly on the second step with 30 points.

No 2’s were recorded so it was a rollover to Wednesday.

Wednesday, May 8, Burapha A&B – Stableford

A Flight

1st Ed Wyckoff (11) 39pts

2nd Pierre Bietry (14) 36pts

3rd Gary Greene ((10) 36pts

B Flight

1st Martin Allard (23) 39pts

2nd Colin Davis (17) 32pts

3rd Jim Elphick (23) 31pts

A pair of 39 point efforts were knotted for the man of the match, as A Flight put forward  Ed ‘our man in the White house’ Wyckoff and B Flight counted with the man riding a purple patch, Martin Allard.

The minor places in B Flight contained the management trio of the Donkey, Jimmy ‘two gloves’ and Don O’corleone Henshaw.  A count back saw the Donkey prevail over Jimmy, while Peter was left propping up the bar sipping a drop of the black stuff (sipping?)

A count back was also required in the big boys flight with Pierre ‘the Magician’ pulling the old five card trick over Gary Greene.

The happiest player at the presentation was Ireland’s Pat Regan as he claimed the rollover 2’s pot.

Thursday, May 9, Phoenix – Stableford

A Flight

1st les Cobban (10) 36pts

2nd Paul Danietz (8) 36pts

3rd Jon Hagen (10) 34pts

B Flight

1st Christy Knight (23) 40pts

2nd Colin Davis (17) 35pts

3rd Martin Allard (23) 33pts

Christy ‘Good’ Knight’s’ cracking performance on this day may well have warranted him the title slot – but for Mr. St Aubin and his Sunday performance.

Christy, who is now putting a concerted effort into his game, is seeing inspiring results.  His winning total was five points clear of his B Flight mate the Donkey and a further two clear of the inform Martin Allard.

Less Cobban racked up a first place in A Flight to go with his Wednesday top spot in B Flight, although Les did need the aid of a count back over the luckless Paul Danietz as both players were locked on even par rounds.  The calculator was out again to sort out a three-way logjam between Jon Haugen, JP Maffrey and Irelands young Pat Regan, the scales tipping in Jon’s favour.

JP Maffray did get a 2 as a bit of compensation along with Thierry Petrement and Peter Hynard.

Note:  Lewiinski’s is situated on Pattaya land Soi 1, Beach Rd Soi13/13 near Walking Street.  Anyone wishing to play with us just pop in and add your name to the list otherwise why not call Colin on 089 826 0764.  Transport is provided.