Oh Henry


PSC golf from The Golf Club

Monday, May6, Green Valley (white tees) – Stableford

1st Henry O’Brien (20) 38pts

2nd Mike Newbert (11) 37pts

2nd Ken Aihara (3) 37pts

2nd Jeff Cordeiro (14) 37pts

The huddled masses were all gathered ‘round the bar at O’ Dark Fifteen for our regular Monday expedition to everyone’s favourite golf course, Rayong Green Valley.  Designed by Peter Thompson, the five time Open Championship winner has cut a great track through this former pineapple plantation.  After recent sanding, the greens are almost back to perfect and played very well indeed.

Ken Aihara & Henry O’Brien.Ken Aihara & Henry O’Brien.

Henry won again, and this time 2 strokes lighter playing off 20.  Erroneously lower is legal and today he played off 20 but was actually a 21!  Well done Hank, you are showing those low handicappers that anything is possible.

Mike Newbert and Ken Aihara have also been playing some great golf of late and that is all Jeff Cordeiro ever plays.  When Jeff is in town he usually is in the queue for those handsome man vouchers Cap’t. Phil hands out for those chosen few at the top.  Good job boyz!

Tuesday, May 7, Phoenix (white tees) – Stableford

1st Henry O’Brien (21) 36pts

2nd Ben Denham (3) 35pts

3rd Michael Whelan (13) 34pts

The pines and palms of the alluring Phoenix were on the agenda for today’s golf, and the lads were looking forward to it immensely.  It is so nice to have just a 20 minute drive to a really nice track and right in your own backyard.  The Mountain and Ocean 9’s were on today’s menu and they certainly looked appetizing.  The course was in terrific condition and the greens were rolling quick and true.

Jeez, this is getting boring.  Henry “copy & paste” O’Brien took the top spot again and we all can’t wait until his handicap is adjusted lower.  Such are the mathematical anomalies of any handicapping system and sometimes it just works in your favour.  Fly like a bird for now Henry!

The Golf Club Captain Phil Smedley with Mike Newbert & Ben Denham.The Golf Club Captain Phil Smedley with Mike Newbert & Ben Denham.

Young Ben Denham, off just a 3 (what we call a proper golfer), took second on the podium while Michael Whelan, representing the seniors, had a very respectable 34 points today.  Michael has been turning in some strong scores lately and must be on the watch for a win in the future.

Thursday, May 9, Royal Lakeside (white tees) – Stableford

1st Mike Newbert (11) 37pts

2nd Ben Denham (3) 35pts

T3rd Peter Rogers (18) 34pts

T3rd Rusty Barfield (5) 34pts

Unlike Phoenix, this course is definitely not in our backyard, but we got here in just over 45 minutes today and it is well worth the drive.  Royal Lakeside has always been in top condition and today was no exception.

“The Montauk Mauler” was bound and determined to get in one more win before the annual migration back to Long Island, N.Y. for a beautiful summer at the beach.  Unlike Pattaya, the beaches there are actually clean (but at least we have the warm water here).  And so Mike Newbert took the win for the day and gives the other guys a chance for once.  Mike, a former firefighter in N.Y.C., has had a good run and has improved his game considerably – so have a good trip back buddy and see you next year!

Ben Denham has also been playing well, but you would expect that of a guy that plays off 3, he has to earn his Stableford points on every hole.  Peter Rogers staged a comeback to tie for third with fellow Yank Rusty Barfield, a solid 5 handicapper and a heck of a nice guy.

Thanks to all of you guys for joining The Golf Club and for all your support.  Let the good times roll!

Note:  The Golf Club is located on Soi LK Metro.  We try to schedule summer “Sports Days”, so come join us for a seriously fun day out.  Just call 085 434 3377 or see our website www.golfclubpattaya.com and for more information mail us: pattaya4golf@ gmail.com and see updates at www.facebook.com/golfclubpattaya… all handicaps welcome!