NLA to draft law governing domesticated animals


Bangkok – In the wake of the recent rabies outbreak, the National Legislative Assembly will propose adding a section to the animal protection law requiring pet owners to be more responsible.

Wallop Tangkananurak, member of the legislature and chairman of the animal protection committee, said that lawmakers will seek to amend the Cruelty Prevention and Welfare of Animals Act, B.E. 2557, in response to the spread of the rabies virus in Thai cities.

The revision will empower local governments to issue regulations governing domesticated animals in their areas such as pet registration and the provision of rabies vaccines.

The requirement to have owners register their pets will allow the government to understand what measures are needed to prevent animal diseases and how many doses of rabies vaccine are needed on a yearly basis

A public hearing on the proposed revision will be held at Parliament House in Bangkok next week, according to Wallop. The revised version of the law is expected to take effect by July this year.