Onion Bhaji the Indian appetizer


Indian food is one of the most popular cuisines in the world.  This is an easy starter and chickpea flour you will get in the Indian supplies shops.

Cooking Method

In a large bowl, add the chickpea flour, baking powder, rice flour, turmeric, black onion seeds, chili powder, cumin, coriander, salt and the water.  Mix together well and then add the sliced onion – mix the onion through until well coated.

Keep the temperature of the oil (medium).

Carefully drop spoons of the bhaji batter in to the oil, do not overcrowd as they will stick together.  Fry them in small batches for 1 to 2 minutes until they are a golden brown and crispy.  Remove them with a slotted spoon and allow them to drain on a paper covered plate in a warm oven.

Repeat until all the bhaji batter is finished and they are all cooked.

Sprinkle salt over them and serve straight away with coriander chutney or cucumber raita.

Ingredients Serves 4
Onions, sliced thinly 2 large
Chickpea flour 200 g
Baking powder 1 tspn
Rice flour 2 tablespoons
Turmeric 1 tspn
Black onion seeds ½ tspn
Chili powder ½ tspn
Cumin, ground ½ tspn
Coriander, ground ½ tspn
Water 100 ml
Vegetable oil 750 ml