Stephen flies in to snatch victory


PSC golf from Café Kronborg

Monday, Oct. 8, Crystal Bay – Stableford

Crystal Bay B&C layout was the challenge today and after a 45 minute journey there through scattered showers, it seemed that we had to wake the staff up to check-in as we were the first brave souls to show up.

We got off B1 20 minutes early under overcast skies and very wet conditions under foot which made for a slow day.  The course on the day was very swampy but the greens were fine.

Back in the clubhouse after a sloshy round of 4 hours and 20 minutes we welcomed back world traveller and BA 777 captain, Stephen Cooper-Reade.  Stephen was the winner today with 33 points ahead of Mick O’Connor and Elias Magnusson.

1st Stephen Cooper-Reade (20) 33pts

2nd Mick O’Connor (24) 32pts

3rd Elias Magnusson (21) 31pts

Thursday, Oct. 11, Plutaluang – Stableford

Plutaluang golf course’s East and South loop was the venue for today and we teed-off 35 minutes early under cloudy skies and humid conditions.  As we made the turn there were dark skies and distant thunder off towards Utapao air base that finally got us after we walked off the 16th green and we had torrential rain for 40 minutes.  So much for dry shoes!

Back in the clubhouse after a 5 hour round it was welcome back to Kevin Dinan and congratulations to out winner for today, Niels Hansen, who led the field home with 37 points.

1st Niels Hansen (14) 37pts

2nd Kevin Dinan (25) 29pts

3rd Elias Magnusson (21) 26pts

4th Mikto Homma (17) 25pts

Note:  If you are looking for a game of golf in Pattaya, call Dave at 083 602 2117 or email [email protected].  We also have Bjarne’s birthday competition coming up on Monday 5 November at Plutaluang with prizes and food back at the Cafe Kronborg.  Sign-up sheet goes up on Monday 22 October.